Imagine how it would feel to be a teacher at your school? Would you get tired or frustrated? How would you make yourself feel better?

Hmm, good question I was thinking about teacher job but this job is not for me. Why? I think being a teacher is responsible, if you are teaching youth and then they are going to take for example polish matura exam I would feel nervous about their results.

Tired or frustrated? It depends on place where you will take the job, I mean kindergarten, primary school and so on. I would feel more tired than frustrated because I like working with people with common interests.

I would play computer games  If I were tired after work. Like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and it would be funny to play with my students 😀

How do you think technology will change our lives in the future?

First of all we must notice that technology has already changed our lives, for example setting a fire or traveling. Many years ago it was a common problem.

I think that technology will change our lives, right now we are much more lazy than our parents. I think this is direction of changes in modern community. We don’t really care about many problems like getting food. We are getting lazier and lazier I think. In future robots will do everything for us.